Nick Dore  - Managing Principal - Fisher Dore Lawyers Jiabei Qi - Solicitor - Fisher Dore Lawyers

In difficult times, you need a lawyer who is trustworthy. Someone who speaks your language, understands your background and can inform you of your rights. Jiabei Qi is an Australian/Chinese lawyer who works with the award winning, specialist and reputable team at Fisher Dore Lawyers.

Jiabei was admitted as a solicitor in 2018 and speaks both Mandarin and English. Jiabei works on complex legal cases with some of Queensland most experienced criminal law solicitors. She is able to translate complex legal issues in dual languages. Jiabei regularly appears in all Courts throughout Queensland. She is a strong and tenacious advocate for her clients. Working with our team of experts at Fisher Dore Lawyers, Jiabei will go above and beyond to fight for her clients.

QLD Law Society Accredited Specialist

Nick Dore is the managing principal of Fisher Dore Lawyers. Nick is a Queensland Law Society Accredited Specialist (Criminal Law) and was awarded the 'Highest Achiever Award' in 2010. Nick has been independently ranked by Doyle's Guide with the highest achievements, including Leading Criminal Defence Lawyer (Australia) and Preeminent Criminal Defence Lawyer (Queensland).

Nick works closely with Jiabei and ensures the firm's Chinese speaking clients receive the highest level of service and respect. When things go wrong in life, you need to be able to call on a lawyer you can trust, who will treat you with respect and provide professional advice.

We are a Queensland legal practice specialising in compensation, migration and criminal offences. Our team are specialists who understand the complexities of the legal system. We will be there to provide expertise, guidance and support. But more than that, we believe in justice and fairness and will go above and beyond to fight for you.

Nick Dore – Accredited Specialist (Criminal Law) – Qld

How can we help?

Fisher Dore focuses on and is passionate about compensation, migration and criminal law. Our Chinese criminal lawyer, Jiabei, works directly on criminal defence cases, advocating for her clients and ensuring they understand their legal rights. She works closely with Fisher Dore’s migration law team, as criminal charges often lead to visa issues that could separate families. Jiabei also partners with the compensation team, as some clients experience violation of their working rights in the form of wrongful treatment by Australian employers.

Fisher Dore offer a wide range of services within these three areas of law to our valued clients.

About Jiabei Qi

Jiabei grew up in Shanghai, and studied law at Shanghai University and Bond University, and now lives in Brisbane, working as a criminal defence lawyer at Fisher Dore Lawyers.

Jiabei has worked in the Queensland legal industry since 2018. She has forged a reputation as a tough and tenacious advocate. She is one of only a handful of lawyers practicing in criminal defence in Queensland who can speak both English and Mandarin. She provides an excellent service to the Chinese community in Queensland. The Courtroom can be an extremely challenging environment without a lawyer who speak your languages. Fortunately for Jiabei’s client she is able to both appear in Court, and instruct senior experienced barristers and solicitors. Jiabei has represented clients in domestic violence matters, traffic matters, sexual offences, serious violent offences, drug matters, custom offences, property and complex fraud offences. She often works with Queensland’s most esteemed Kings Counsel.

About Fisher Dore

An award-winning law firm with 7 accredited specialists and over 150 years of combined legal experience, Fisher Dore is a well-known, respected and trusted Queensland law firm. Focusing on three key areas of law, our lawyers’ knowledge and expertise prove to be invaluable to have on your side throughout your compensation, migration or criminal law matter.

Fisher Dore’s success in criminal law has seen us quickly grow into a top-tier criminal law firm in Brisbane and Queensland. Our criminal lawyers throughout Brisbane, Cairns and Mackay have been recognised as some of Queensland’s best criminal lawyers. No matter how minor or serious your criminal offence is, a Fisher Dore criminal defence lawyer is here and ready to represent you.

Our lawyers will fight for and defend your rights no matter what your legal matter entails.

Why choose Fisher Dore as your compensation, migration or criminal lawyer?

We pride ourselves on going above and beyond for our clients. Standing up for our clients is more than just our job, it's our passion. We are loud, clear, and strong in our pursuit of  justice. We look out for your best interests and incorporate them into our legal strategy for your matter.

At Fisher Dore, we remain open and transparent about our legal fees, so you understand exactly what beginning your legal matter will entail.

Our award-winning lawyers will fight to right the wrongs for you. If you are in need of a compensation, migration or criminal lawyer, look no further than Fisher Dore.

Book your confidential consultation with us today.

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You will always be known to me and my family as the person who gave us the biggest gift we could ever want. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Fisher Dore Lawyers have to be the best criminal lawyers in Queensland.


Thank you for your compassion, dedication and hard work throughout this difficult time. This has been life changing for me and I can't imagine how I would have got through this without your support, professionalism and expertise. I'm so grateful for your efforts and the great work you did on my behalf. Thanks again for going above and beyond, and doing everything you could to win my case.

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